Understanding Fact Finding And Discovery In A Personal Injury Case

Posted on: 17 August 2015

Surprise! That's one word that you never want to hear during a personal injury case. Luckily for you, the American legal system makes it easy to never hear that word once during a trial. Ever since the late 1940s, the Federal Court has demanded that all evidence and all witnesses that either the prosecution or defense has up its sleeve must be shared with the other side. Throughout the course of your personal injury case, you will come across a process known as fact finding and discovery.
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What to Expect During the Deposition Process

Posted on: 12 August 2015

If you have filed a lawsuit in a personal injury lawsuit, and the case appears to be headed to trial, you can expect to be called to take part in a deposition. But what exactly is a deposition and what should you expect during this part of the discovery process? The Deposition Scene In most cases, you will attend the deposition with your lawyer. The attorney or attorneys for the defendant(s) will also be present.
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Sue-Or-Treat? Tips For Keeping Your Home Safe For Trick-Or-Treaters

Posted on: 7 August 2015

Halloween is right around the corner. While parents do everything they can to keep their kids safe while trick-or-treating, everyone has to do their part. If you are handing out candy to children, you need to make sure your home is safe for them. Many people decorate without considering the dangers. Here are some tips for making sure your home is trick-or-treat friendly. Choose candy wisely You might assume that parents will remove any unsafe candy, but it's not always the case.
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What Should You Do If You're Injured While Bicycling To Work?

Posted on: 5 August 2015

With many U.S. cities making major strides to improve access for walkers, joggers, and bikers, you may be starting to take advantage of these efforts in your own area. Bicycling to work or social gatherings can help you get a healthy level of exercise while also reducing your fuel costs and the wear and tear on your vehicle. However, even if you're a careful bicyclist, accidents can happen -- and if you are involved in a matchup with even a small vehicle, you're likely to be the one suffering the brunt of the impact.
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