Did You Just Get Hurt In A Slip And Fall Case? What You Should Do

Posted on: 8 August 2018

If you were just injured in a slip and fall case at a restaurant or store, then you may wonder what you should do. Being injured anywhere, especially someplace that you wouldn't expect like a restaurant, can leave you in a literal world of hurt. To help you, this article will list a few things you should do if you get injured in a slip and fall case.  Take Pictures If you can, make sure to take pictures of the incident right when it happens.
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Is It Possible To Waive Your Rights To Workers' Compensation Protection?

Posted on: 23 July 2018

Getting a new job, or even just switching positions with your current employer, often results in the signing of dozens of pieces of paperwork. If you're offered some kind of waiver of your right to workers' compensation insurance as part of a sign up package, you should understand the legality and enforceability of the contract before signing it. Position Matters In most states, only owners and high level executives that benefit directly from ownership of the company are allowed to sign away their automatic inclusion into a workers' compensation insurance policy.
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4 Things To Understand About Workers' Compensation

Posted on: 3 June 2018

Most people have a working knowledge that workers' compensation is in place to protect workers if they are ever injured on the job. However, if you find yourself injured on the job, you may quickly find that you need more than a working knowledge of the system in order to get its full benefits. 1. Report the Injury to Your Supervisor The first thing you need to do is report the injury to your supervisor.
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3 Indicators That Your Workers' Comp Case Is Strong

Posted on: 27 April 2018

Upon being injured on the job, a common thing to do is consult a workers' compensation attorney and provide details about your case. Most attorneys will immediately give you an idea of the strength of your case. If the details appear weak, an attorney may be reluctant to take the case on and may advocate that you don't try to pursue legal action. However, should you provide details that indicate a strong case, you can expect that the attorney you're speaking to will anxiously want to represent you and pledge to work hard to get you a settlement that you deserve.
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